Friday, March 29, 2013

The "wake up call".

So, today I'm trying to sleep in, because I need to do more math work today then most days. My brother wakes up, and comes over to my bed, and shakes me, I roll over and go back to sleep again, but then this time, he pinchs my cheak, not hard, but just enough to wake me up, AGAIN. I roll over again, but hes work is not done yet, he forces my face into a smile, I havn't really noticed what he had done so far, but the next is a winner. Then, he comes over and opens my eye, forces my eye lid open. I wake up, and he says, "Hey Rich!" And I say, "Why did you have to wake me up?" he says, "You told me to, last night." But I had said nothing to that effect, I said last night, "Night Brennan." and he said "Night" and we went to sleep. I don't know how he got "Open up my eye lid just in case the pinching me, and making me smile doesn't work to wake me up." Then, I go back to sleep. (Wait wait wait! Theres more!) The dog knowing that I'm awake, wants me to play with her, so she wakes me up a few times. I tell her to go away, and let me sleep. Then, about the 10th time I wake up, I hear a screeming TV as Brennan watchs a show, but I notice that AFTER I see the dog face to face with me, I screem like never before.(Brennan or the dog don't get the idea of sleep.)  And after that I give up, knowing that nothing that I try to do will work. ( I posted this because I thought some of you would get a laugh out of it, not that I think its funny...)


  1. I think you should get up when Brennan wakes you. Then when he gets busy doing something you can sneak back to bed.
