Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The puppy dawg.

*Sniff, sniff* My little baby, *Pat pat pat*  my little puppy. OH, i'm on!?!?!? You guys have to tell me when i'm on! Welcome, to Rich's blog. Today, i'm going to post stuff about this dog, and when we first got her, and how crazy she is. Here are the pictures, (I cant put videos on here, because it takes a while AND its hard :P) Oh yea, this is me getting frustrated trying to get these pictures on here...

First time seeing her, and her first time seeing us.

First time sleeping next to someone :P

 First bone!
 Her best power, being cute.

 That was her at the first week of having her, this is after 3 months... (Also, as you see above, she never has just 1 ear up, 3 months later, a totally different thing...)

 She has got bigger, and before just now, that I had seen when we had first saw her, I saw how much she has gotten bigger. She has be trained, mostly. *In the back ground* What is this stuff that I just stepped in? AWW COME ON BLITZ! Heh, heh, heh, thats my dad, ANYWAY... As I said, she is mostly trained, she is cute, she toots when she gets peanut butter fudge, (Remind me to get a gas mask for that...) she is a awesome dog, besides the time when she destroyed my Transformer... But besides all of that, she is awesome, the best puppy dawg you could ever have. (#2 Scout)


  1. Oh my GOSH she's so cute! :D ESPECIALLY when she's smaller! :D But, uh--he he--I think you have the numbers mixed up. SCOUT'S #1. and BLITZ is #2. ;) XD ;P

  2. No no no, the numbers are all in place Kate, they can not be switched, and I have them in the places I ment to put them in, Blitz is #1 and Scout is #2. :P

  3. Oh my gosh! She was so small!! And I did notice that about her ears. I love that one is up and one is down. Man, she's sweet.

  4. Yes, her ears, DRIVE.ME.NUTS! She will never look the same, without her ears going down...
