Monday, February 25, 2013

Some things you never new about me.

Here are some things you probably never new about me.
1. I LOVE crystals
2. I have a dog that wants to bite my hand off
3. I watch my little pony
4. I sleep with at least 6 stuffed animals
5. My fav songs are Pray  and YellFire
6. My fav animal is a Hippo and/or Turtle
7. I have built and igloo (More of this in a later post)
8. My best friends are Maxim, Kate, and Avery
9. My dog licks my foot, for some reason
10. I love NYC
11. I eat a LOT
12. My fav food is my dads mac and cheese
13. I love to write
14. I play company of hero's
15. My fav blogs are Sushi and pizzaThe magic violinist, and the Gypsyschoolhouse
16. I love to play Capture the flag
17. I want to be a person that finds crystals when I am older (I forget what they are called...)
18. I want to play drums
19. My mom and dad are completely AWESOME!

There are somethings, that you never new about me, well, maybe some you knew :P


  1. I never knew that about number 8 . . . ;) (JK)

    Maxim says that when you play with Blitz it sounds like World War 3. (What is happening behind the scenes? I'm almost positive I heard a plate break once). -_-

  2. Lol Kate, LOAD THE GUNS BRENNAN, NO TIME TO WASTE! SHE HAS A BUNDLE OF MEN, GET THE GUNS LOADED FAST! FIRE THE CANNONS! *BOOM!* oops, sorry, we're playing with the dog right now, and Max is right, it is world war 3 in here. And no plate has been broken, yet. But the shovel in our house, did fall about 3 times.

  3. It was a medal shovel, thats probably what you heard. LOAD'EM UP AGAIN! OH NO! THEIR AT OUR LINE! FALL BACK!!!

  4. and what is going on behind the scenes, is that, our dog is trying to rip off my arm...

  5. Have you seen my blog Rich? Cool post!

  6. It's been a while since I commented on here. Great post.

    2. Good thing you have two hands (and two feet if it comes to that).
    3. Good for you, both for watching and admitting it.
    5. Gee, who plays music for you?
    8. Aw, that's nice. They really like you, too.
    10. I love it, too.
    11. Can't go wrong there.
    15. Those are all great blogs to read.
    19. I have to agree.
