Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Minecraft (Better post, and how to play)

As most of you know, I had a not-so-good post on minecraft. Now this time, I will show how to play, and the text chat, and how to use some commands. As most of you know aswell, Minecraft is a HUGE hit getting atleast 1000 copys sold per day, were you can buy it is at : http://minecraft.net/ . This post is mostly how to play and how to see, and read text chat. We will start with the crafting. The crafting table (Witch is one of the main things you use in minecraft) is built by 4 wooden planks. To craft a crafting table, hit I or what you set your inventory to. There should be a 2x2 box in the right top corner. This is what i call, the hand crafting. You put 1 wooden plank in each of the hand crafting. then the 1x1 box should have a Crafting table in it. click on that it should attach to your mouse, then place it in one of the boxes at the bottem of your inventory. Once you have done that, you should place it and it should be a little box with a axe and a saw on it. That is a crafting table. And here are the main stuff you can craft with the crafting table: Armor:

You may be saying: What are those black do hickys?  Whats that silver thingy? WHAT ARE THE LIGHT BLUE THINGS? Well my friend, that's why I'm here, those "black do hickys" are coal. You find those under the ground as black ore, witch i will show you later. The "silver thingys" are iron, also found under the ground, but as orange color. Those "LIGHT BLUE THINGS" are, wait for it, DAIMONDS! also found under the ground witch can also make armor, that is better the iron armor. Daimonds are rare, not as rare as emeralds. When I find daimonds, I always scream: DAIMONDS! on the chat and irl (I will tell you what irl means when we get to chat). So, also what you do in minecraft is, destroy stuff and place stuff. You may also be saying, "But lots of other games can place and brake blocks? What makes this one better?" Well Ill tell you. What minecraft is known for is for its HUGE amount of blocks, there are around 200 diffrent types of blocks, that you can make move, smelt, and place. This is minecraft a HUGE amount of blocks, crafting, roller costers, automatic doors, Mobs, pvp, and AWESOMENESS, heres some mobs, the Zombie, Skeleton

Heh heh... I didnt even know I had that on my comp... *A, I didnt know face* Tet me delete that here, there we go. Now on with the post. Now that I have shown you the mobs, and crafting, its time for me to teach you text chat. Ppl, (that stands for people) have diffrent ways of saying things, for example, Lol or LOL means Laugh out loud, and irl means In real life. Btw, (Stand for By the way) i use these a lot if you ever run into me. My ign (in game name) is a4d9, I'm a geek, I'm lazy, I am a pro archer,  and I'm a Mormon. (Post in the coments if you get the joke).

This is yet another masterpeice by:  

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