Monday, May 5, 2014

Not AGAIN... (With a rant! :D)

You wanna know what I REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY, and REALLY hate? Thorns, Splinters, and DENTAL WORK. Tomorrow, which I'm DREADING I'm going to the Orthodontist to get "Turbos" put in. (Those of you that think its a snale on turbo boosters, take another guess.) Turbos are this little, itty, bitty, rubber thingies that go on your back teeth, and keep your front teeth from touching each other. My one question is... HOW DO YOU CHEW?!?! "With your back teeth." Yes, I'll chew with my back teeth with these LITTLE RUBBER THINGIES ON THEM. GAHH! What I hate about getting dental work done, is they think everything will be fine, "No, it wont hurt! It'll just be a little unconformable." Hm. I wonder what you would call "Hurting" because that just almost made me pass out with pain. Thanks a lot for the warning! :D (not) What really gets me mad, is these things that go on the top of your mouth, there called brackets or something like that, but it has 4 rods that clasp around 4 of your top teeth, and just stay right at the top of your mouth. And every night, you have this special tool that you use to crank it. CRANK IT. Just from that, that does NOT need to be in my mouth again. But when you "Crank" it it hurts like... Something I'm not gonna put on here. What SUCKS about that is you constantly get food stuck in it, and food that you don't like... (A lot of your taste comes from the top of your mouth.) and you gag and gag and gag... And then you... Take a trip to the bathroom. Enough said. But anyway, I've had one of these in my mouth for a year or so, and they were planning on giving my brother (Brennan) one. As there explaining the "Cranking"  to him, Brennan asks, "Will it hurt?" and the dental helper says, "No, it'll just feel a little bit unconformable!" and after she says that, I pray to the other kids that she has said this too, and gone home and got what she said they would not get. After this, we go out to eat and in great detail, I explain to Brennan, how much it WILL hurt. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE ADULTS!!! Please don't lie to us so that we don't cry so we don't have to get whatever it is. I've heard adults say this about shots, stitches, and other medical work. (I'm not saying that you all do this, my mom and dad say if it does hurt or if it doesn't and we find them right every time.) Please, tell us the truth, that way we expect it to hurt! If we don't expect it to hurt, it just makes it worse in the end. I think, (I'm speaking on the behalf of most kids) we would rather us know it will hurt, it be surprised later when it does hurt. Thank you for sitting through this rant, but please read my HAPPY (Including unicorns that poop rainbows) in my post before this one.


  1. I was promised unicorns pooping rainbows. WHERE ARE MY UNICORNS POOPING RAINBOWS?!
