Friday, January 4, 2013

2nd post about the dog...

Okay, so this is another post the dog. We are finding stuff out about our dog that is unlike any other dog... So now we have now found out what her most liked food is. Peanut butter. This dog is crazy about it, you give her a piece then all she does for the next five minutes is stare at you. Every muscle in her body is strained trying not to be bad or anything just for peanut butter/peanut butter fudge. How did we find this out you ask? Well that's what I am going to tell you, IN THE NEXT POST!!!! DUM, DUM, DUM!!!! Anyway back to potty training. THIS DOG DRIVES ME NUTS WHEN IT COMES TO THIS! This is how it works she comes over and scratches the door she can either want to play in the -52087402984750298475092847 weather or
she needs to go the bath room. So if you don't take her out (Because you think she wants to play) she goes in the floor. But if you do take her out it takes her 5 minutes to go so your freezing your butt off when this dog is going pee. Its been very hard (I must say harder than I thought) to train this dog but on the bright side shes not going to be sleeping out side in the  -52087402984750298475092847 weather. OH OH OH!!!! I just saw something that made my day.

So at least I know she's going to try.

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