Tuesday, December 25, 2012

OUR DOG!!!!!

Okay, we got a dog named Blitzy (Blitz for short) I don't have a pic of her running but she goes from 0 to 60 in 0.5 secs to fast if you ask me. When we try to get on to her, she RUNS, not runs, she RUNS and then other times, she wants to sleep in my dad's chair. That I have some pics of.

So that's Blitz on dad's leather chair. OH YEAH!!! I forgot her super power... Okay, this is it. When she starts going pee on the floor then dad yells at her to go outside she stops in mid pee. Dad takes her outside then guess what? She doesn't go. Do you know a dog that can stop in mid pee and finish 15 minutes later? Well now you do. Otherwise she is the best dog in the world (2nd Scout). She likes to bite your hand off when she wants to play, she is very snugly and loves popcorn. Oh yeah I forgot to tell you about the popcorn too :P! So when you pop popcorn she knows its coming. Then when you go to eat it, all she does is look at your hands with the popcorn and the dog has very cute eyes, so you cant resist giving her a piece and then a nother and a nother and a nother and a nother and...... Then if you don't give her a piece every 5 minutes she sticks her head in the bowl (don't ask how I found that out).


  1. Aww Blitz is so cute! :D We'll have to race Scout and Blitz to see who is faster when you guys come next. ;) Scout also loves popcorn. And, no I have never heard of a dog (or human, for that matter XD ) that can stop mid-pee and finish 15 minutes later. ;P XD
