Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Winnie The Pooh, "The House At Pooh Corner"

These two books are amazingly funny, and simple. They now have 8 Characters, the new character being "Tigger", my favorite character. He's bouncy, and doesn't know ANYTHING about himself, besides that he likes Roo's vitamins. This book has the boy, Christopher Robin growing up, and getting ready to be on his own, and these little stuffed animals realizing he's getting too old to play with them anymore. This book, had me, my Dad, and Mom ALL crying at the end. And once we were done reading, Brennan says, "What's so sad?" and we all say he'll understand when he's older. But this book has a lot of really good moments with Pooh and Christopher Robin, and Pooh's game called "Pooh Sticks", and Tigger bragging, and then getting stuck in a tree. They make references to the last book, reminding the readers of what has happened in the past, (Which is a big thing for me, I LOVE that kind of stuff). These books are a great read for anyone, I'm getting to the teen age's and these are awesome books for me. One of my friends told me once I said we were reading these, "But isn't it a kids book?" yeah, it is a kids book, but its great all the same. Great read, and can't wait until we start reading another series!


  1. I can't remember if I've ever read this or not. I remember watching a movie or something on TV once, but my memory is pretty foggy after that. :P I still love kid's books! I love Mo Willems and Calvin and Hobbes.

  2. Yes! Calvin and Hobbes are soooo funny... And Peanuts, and Garfield... SO MANY GOOD KIDS BOOKS. :P And yea, I think they did a TV show and a movie or something to that effect...

  3. So fun to read. Very sad at the end though. For me, the illustrations are almost as good as the stories. Such a great cast of characters, and Milne has a really funny way of saying really profound things in simple stories. There's so much more going on under the surface than just the random adventures - the characters resemble people I know in real life, and remind me of parts of my own personality. Amazing he could pack all that in to a collection of stories that can be read to pre-schoolers.
