Tuesday, April 1, 2014

April Fools, dad gets us.

So, yesterday, I had to pay for something online, but I needed dads credit card number and such, he sent it over Skype, and I was kinda worried someone would get it somehow... (Remember that, it has something to do with the story) So today, dad is in the hospital. (He goes in every 6 weeks for a week) and today is April Fools, and my dad LOVES pratical jokes. So, one of his favorite holidays is April Fools, so, he calls mom, and there dealing with bills and such, and he tells mom that he needs to tell me something. So mom passes the phone to me and dad says,
"Hey Rich, I need to ask you something..."
"Well, that 300$ dolar transformer you on April 1st-" (BIG HINT, but as usual...)
"What?! I didn't buy anything that costed 300??? Let me open my computer, what transformer is it?" (And at this point im hoping, Oh man! I bought a transformer I really like! If the guy cant return it, maybe mom and dad will pay for it! :D
"Well, they charged it to the bank, so we'll have to get our money back, are you sure you didn't just order it and was going to pay it off to us?"
"No, I didnt buy anything, but... Oh no. Dad, you put your credit card number on skype, and the exp date, AND the CSC... Dad, someone got our credit card number."
"Oh, I know what happened..."
"Its April fools day."
"Oh! So the guy tricked us-"
"No, I tricked you!!!" 
And dad starts laughing like crazy and says, "Is Brennan around? I want to trick him too."
"Yeah, *Sniff* one sec, let me stop crying and I'll bring him the phone."
So, once I stop crying, I bring Brennan the phone, and dad says,
"Brennan, did you buy a 300$ collectors\ My Little Pony set? With like little action figures and cards and stuff?"
"No! I just looked at that on amazon! I didn't buy it!?"
"Well, its saying here that you did, your probably going to have to pay it off with your allowance, because it says "No returns"
"Take that off my list! I dont know how I ordered it!!!"
"Oh, you know what? Its April 1st."

And that, is dads piratical jokes. :P

This Masterpeice was created by,


  1. Ha! We almost got him today with our prank call about dietary services at the medical center. Mark used an Indian accent and everything. We got a good laugh out of it, even if we didn't totally fool your dad. :P

  2. Ba ha ha! I can't believe you believed him about that, especially since you were so skeptical of that Pokemon thing Max told you about! Or was this before Max told you about the Pokemon thing? That would make a lot more sense.


  3. MV This was BEFORE you guys called me. I tried soooo hard to not get fooled after that. :P
    Boquinha, And yea, dad and you guys told me about it. It sounds like you guys had a good laugh indeed!
