(Your like "Uhhhhh, whats that?") That, this,
And this,
And this,
AND this,
And then about twice that much in our closet, is the Nerf collection. No, that is not a "real" gun brand! I SWEAR!!! Anyway, me and my brother have been craving for some guns, and when we opened up these baby's on Christmas, we went trigger happy, don't ask what happened to the house.
Anyway, Christmas is past us and we have to wait a WHOLE other year! (Darn it!) Oh, and SPOILER we got a lot of Nerf guns for Chistmas. Also, the Nerf Volcan (last picture of the guns) is good for chasing your dog around the house, particularly if you have the 25 round belt full loaded with whistle darts, that way it sounds like the apocalypse is coming. (also a good way to scare the living crap out of your parents, just a note) You say a Nerf gun name, we probably have it, (Unless your talking about the ones BEFORE 2000 that shoot foam balls and mega darts and then the ones that shoot disk's) and we have some of the new ones too, like the Rampage and the Rough Cut 2 by 4 (Looks insane by the way,
But then, If you think Nerf got a "little" to carried away with the Nerf Volcan, well, I have a surprise for you!
Yes. That Nerf gun did just UNFOLD. The first one is flashlight mode, and the second is deploy mode. That is the same gun. >:) MWAHAHAHAHHAHAH! But that hole on the side of the second picture (deploy mode) Is were you put your 6 dart 12 dart 18 dart mags. (Yes I did just say "mag") or, if you want to go insane in the mim brain, you can put a 25 round drum mag (Try saying that out loud, it just sounds awesome) But that's not the best Nerf can do quite yet, you can ALSO use a 35 round drum mag in (Also try saying that out loud, awesome) OR if your using a disk shooter Nerf gun (I'd rather have the dart shooters) that holds a disk clip (Again, how do they come up with theses names?) you can use a 40 disk clip. (INSANE) Tell me in the comments below if kids should own these. (Just think! WE COULD TAKE OVER THE WORLD!!! MWAHAHAHAHAH!!!)